Is it possible?


I swear my 4mo old is beginning to throw tantrums. It started one day after getting out the bath and she didn’t want her diaper on. She’s always fussed a little when getting dressed. Like since birth. But nothing like this. She will go from super happy to throwing herself backwards, tensing up, kicking my hands way, trying to roll to get away, and turning beat red while growling/crying. If I stop trying to put her diaper or clothes on, she calms down and stops. I have tried EVERYTHING. Babies are a lot smarter than we give them credit for. I used to be able to talk to her softly and get her to stop. She would look me in the eyes when I spoke and get really still and calm down and let me finish dressing her. Now, the more I try and talk, the worse her fit is. I’ve started to just be as quick as I can to get it over with and let her scream and thrash. But tonight, all I could do was get her diaper on her and lay her down and let her scream. I tried holding her, rocking her, loving on her. She just screamed and clawed me and threw herself back. So I laid her in the crib and sat in the rocker where I could see her and talked to her from a distance. She will do it in the middle of the night as well when I change her. I have tried doing it before her feeding, after her feeding, and I’ve even had my husband hold her bottle while I change her so she’s distracted. She still throws a fit. This is not a cry due to a need or pain (I know her cues). She is fed, burped, clean, medicated (for reflux), napped (not overly tired), and has just played in the bath and is happy. I am going to talk to the pediatrician about it next week at her 4mo well check. But I couldn’t go another week without some sort of insight. So I figured I would ask here.