Guys, how can I improve sleep??!!


I’m always up, and sleep it off during the day (I don’t work). Since young it’s been hard for me to sleep. I don’t necessarily want to rely on Xanax or any other prescription to go to bed. I know I can easily google this but I’d love to hear some tried and true tips and advice. So far I’ve tried melatonin and chamomile... lavender... upped magnesium intake... but not strong enough. I’m also too lazy to get exercise but I’ll work on that. Yes I’m job hunting lol when I used to work I’d be tired enough to maintain a regular and healthy sleep cycle. I’ve soaked in epsom and Himalayan salt for about 30 min before and that put me OUT. But I’d have to commit to a bath every night, but I guess I have the time right? Recommendations?