August 14 Check in

Lisa • IVF miracle in 2017 from first transfer. Currently PREGNANT with another baby girl from our 14th transfer. ❤️ Due June 2024.

Transfer day! I’m so excited and so nervous that my stomach hurts! I always get horrible stomach aches when I’m nervous 🤦🏽‍♀️.

✨🙏🏼Baby dust and prayers to all those transferring today and anyone testing! ✨❤️🙏🏼

Update: Transfer went well but unfortunately they had to thaw 5 of our 6 embryos to get 2 to transfer. They are watching one to see if it will make it to day 5 and refreeze but our RE said she doesn’t think it is likely 😔.

Trying to stay positive for the 2 embabies that were able to be transferred ❤️❤️.