Baby Liam and his debuts


So here I am to finally tell my birth story. It’s been almost three weeks so I figured maybe it’s time.

Thursday morning 7.25.19:

I had a doctors appointment that morning at 11 and was anxious to go because I hadn’t been dilating at all and was exactly 39 weeks at this point. I was always hot and miserable because I felt like I got HUGE and I somewhat did. I mean, I gained 40 lbs and was swollen everywhere. So I go in expecting to be sent home... again... with no signs of baby Liam, but I was kind of wrong.

Anywho, me and my friend head inside because my boyfriend had to work and I figured I’d just get sent home so I had a friend come with, but we get called to a room and my doctor checks my dilation, I HAD FINALLY DILATED! It was only 1/2 cm but I was so excited that I dilated some! So I’m speaking with my ob and he says that it happened quick(I had gone in the Tuesday before and wasn’t dilated or softened at all) so he asked if I wanted to head to the hospital, I, of course, said yes! I wanted to get this child that felt like he was huge out of me. And meet the person I was growing. So, my ob tells me to get my hospital bags from home, then get admitted and that he would call them and let them know I was going to be heading up there. I start heading home, call my boyfriend. He doesn’t answer🙄, call my mom, she is freaking out because she’s at work but still heads my way, my boyfriend calls back and is so excited! He heads home immediately from work, so we can head to the hospital together. So we leave get to the hospital about 2 pm, they tell me I’m still only at a 1/2 cm so they are going to induce me when a room becomes available in labor and delivery. So I’m in a pp room waiting for time to pass and a room to open, my boyfriend is at home because he was going to try to go to work the next day because things were going so slow. My mom is asleep in my room and I can’t get comfortable with my pregnant self. (Picture below was a few days before I had my son)

So I’m waiting and trying to sleep because I know I’m never going to sleep again once this baby gets here 😂, and 12 am comes around and a nurse comes in and tells me about how there’s a room now open. We head to labor and delivery it’s now 7.26.19 and I’m kind of freaking out because now it’s real. And it’s happening and I can’t turn back. So they check me, I’m now at a 1, then she puts the little pill in my cervix, and we wait. About 30 minutes pass, my friend is in the room, my mom is asleep again and I’m getting contractions every 8-10 minutes. And it stays steady like that for another 2 hours. They got kind of intense but nothing too bad. So my nurse says it’s okay to use the restroom now, but to be back in the bed in 15 minutes so they can check me again. They come back in, check me, I’m now at a 2 and they put the second pill in. Within 20 minutes I was at a 4 1/2 and my contractions were getting stronger, so I’m dilating very quick now. They come to check me 1 hour later and I’m at a 9! (In this time I got the epidural because of back labor and immense contractions) they leave me be for another 20 minutes maybe, called my ob, it’s Friday and I’m so ready to get this done, so they come and check me and I’m at a 10 now, as they’re checking me, my water breaks. And here I am 5-10 minutes later. Pushing. I pushed 3 times and my son came out. I cried at seeing his beautiful face for the first time. I cried at my boyfriend cutting his cord. And I cried for my vagina as well😂(I got an episiotomy). My mom, sister, and boyfriend, were all there and I was so blessed with a beautiful little boy(insert. Picture below)

So, after the longest story ever, if you’ve stuck around and read this, thank you.

Baby Liam Michael ❤️

6lbs 3oz

19 1/4 in

My little blonde boy, you are the greatest miracle mommy has ever had. Your daddy and I love you, and will always love you. So here’s to being almost 3 weeks old, and almost 3 weeks post partum. (I don’t think I spelled that right). My July baby💓 (here’s some pictures just to show how the past couple weeks have been)