Pregnant or not?

Okay so I’m 8/2 I had unprotected sex with a guy I’ve been talking to for awhile. We had sex 2x that night. I remember him pulling out one of the times. But I can say the second I’m not for sure. I remember looking at the bed and thinking that it wasn’t any cum on it so I didn’t need a towel. Fast forward to 8/9 I began spotting like i am about to start my period. That is right on time considering glow says I should start on the 8/11. Also the typical pre period symptoms ofc. So I spotted for 3 days. The spotting completely stopped 8/12. No bleeding nothing! Now it hasn’t even been 3 weeks since we had sex so nothing is showing up on tests. But my period is always regular and on time. The only time I miss is when I am pregnant. i have 2 other children. I can’t make an appt bcz I am switching jobs so I currently have no insurance. So I have taken to google searches. According to google it could’ve been implantation bleeding and I would test positive in about 12 after implantation so that would be 8/25. There also other health issue it could be: I am technically obese. (Although I have been overweight for years and never missed a period) I have been working out as of the last 6 months and I have lost 35lbs. It is an up and down process for me. (Sorry I got sidetracked) so basically I would like to know if you ladies think I am being paranoid? I am almost sure I am pregnant. I guess I’d just like to know I’m not crazy for thinking 🤔 this? It’s been 12 days since we had sex and that is ridiculous early to “know” your pregnant. Please help! Advice!

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