I need advice-should I leave my husband?

I’ve been with my husband for 12 years total. He has always been bad with money. He is a big spender and doesn’t comprehend how to save anything.

Years ago I found credit cards that he never paid that severely affected his credit. I paid off all of his credit cards and corrected his credit.

Now we are in the process of selling our house and trying to buy a new house.

I just found a secret credit card that he had that is three months past due it has never been paid. I found the credit card statement in his truck. I strongly believe he was trying to hide this from me. It was only for one small $70 purchase but now it is up to $200.

I am so upset with him that I feel like ending our marriage. I don’t know how I can have a stable future with somebody who doesn’t care about planning or saving money.

He constantly spends and spends. We have tried to come up with a system to have him stop spending as much but it never works. He will try for a couple weeks and goes right back to his same behavior. I really think I need to move in with my parents get a job split custody with him and move on with my life. Has anyone else ever had a similar situation?

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Posted at
Yep and now I'm in banruptcy..... They don't learn..


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Dave Ramsey has great financial advice. Start listening to his radio show and have it on when your husband is around. Maybe he will pick up on things.


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I only read the first sentence and I am like...LEAVE NOW!! 😰


Caya • Aug 15, 2019
Well? Sit tight and don’t complain then! You are the one saying that you are going to leave him and get a divorce. You are going to hurt your children’s future in the long run if you don’t find help!


si • Aug 15, 2019
....you only read “I’ve been with my husband for 12 year”....?


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This is an addiction like other addiction maybe have him get help.


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Let him know that this is make or break for you and then see if he straightens up his act knowing you are considering walking away. Have you tried couples counseling? I would try everything before just giving up. Is it because he doesn’t have money or it’s an addiction to spending? What was his childhood like? My dad came from a poor family so he never throws anything away.