Way he right to do this?


I was watching a court show and this lady was suing her ex boyfriend for getting her evicted from their apartment. Here is the back story: they were together for three years and they got a apartment together. The guy finds out she’s been cheating on him and they they get into a argument and she kicks him out. Both the girl and guy agree that he was the one who paid for the rent and most of the utilities so he was the sole provider. When he left he stopped paying rent and she knew he wasn’t paying rent. The apartment complex gives her a eviction notice. While separated he went to the manager of the apartment and gave them his 60 day notice, he didn’t tell his ex girlfriend. So now she’s getting evicted and wants him to pay the late rent so she can stay, of course he doesn’t want to pay that. The judgment was in his favor and now she has to either pay or leave. Do you think he was right to not tell her that he got his name taken off the lease with out telling him after she kicked him out?

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