3rd or 4th degree tear

Any mom’s with a 3rd or 4th degree tears?? I suffered a 4th degree after a long labor and forceps had to be used. I’m 5 weeks into recovery and doing much better. The first few were brutal.

I would love to know what recovery was like. What did your dr say at your 6 week appointment? Sex? I’m so afraid...



I turned a corner at 4 weeks. It wasn’t until 5 weeks that I felt like I could do more around house (make a couple dinners bend over a little etc). Im feeling so so much better. I can tell the muscle is still sore-feel it if I’ve been more active.

Just had my 6 week appointment. He did check me vaginally 😫. Luckily it didn’t hurt! The Dr. said I’m completely healed with muscle weakness. He recommends that I go to pelvic floor therapy. I will be doing this and it’s 6 weeks long. It helps prevent issues down the line.

All in all, I’m very happy with my recovery. It’s such a scary tear and I wish this on no one. He said I could have a csection or a vaginal delivery and that I shouldn’t tear like that again.

I wanted to share because there is so little information when it comes to this! Hope this helps someone else. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

Every delivery and tear is different. I would strongly suggest that you are very confident in your provider. My dr has loads of experience and is well acclaimed. I don’t know how my recovery would have been with a different doctor. Also please rest! I was basically on bed rest for 3 weeks and used all of my postpartum tools. I really recommend earth mama perineal spray.

Best of luck everyone!

Another update:

I wanted to touch on sex because I was so nervous! We tried at 3.5m pp and took it very slow. Stopped 1/2 way

The next time we were able to have intercourse but it hurt:was uncomfortable for the first few minutes after penetration.

Currently 5m pp and it is less and less uncomfortable. We honestly haven’t done it much because...babies are exhausting! I’m definitely in a good place mentally about it, and know things will go back to normal.

Wanted to share because not many have a tear like this!