When to go to the hospital?


36W+4D. On Wednesday of last week I had contractions for 5-5.5 hrs, every 10 min. For 60-90 seconds. I had an appointment the next day and they said the contractions were doing their job and I was 1CM dilated. Fast forward to this week, everyday I’ve been dealing with contractions. They’ve been irregular for the most part but still consistent varying from 6-10 min. (I don’t know how to track them too well because when they are bad it’s like a never ending dull ache, and then an intense minute of pain, which is what I base my times off of. I ignore all the small cramping and aches and just time the large ones.) Been having issues sleeping because my hips are killing me even with the pillow support, and this morning there’s been sharp pains, even when laying down. I have another appointment tomorrow so I guess we’ll see where it’s at but outside of the obvious water breaking, idk what to look for since everyone/every nurse and Dr. says something different.