Worried my mom is being made fun of at work

My mom and I are at polar differences and even tho I had a rough childhood with her I still love her. Ive had my friends say before that she’s crazy based on how she would react to me or how controlling she was. All that aside, my mom works hard and can be a people pleaser. She even won a people pleaser award at work once, which I’ve heard isn’t that great of a thing based on a counselor who told me I was a people pleaser and it’s not ok. She was happy to get the award and proud of it. I don’t know how her work is but I have met some of her work mates in the past. She says they laugh a lot and are friends. Today she told me they call her IJ, which stands for Insane Jane. And they call her that cause they’re always laughing together and having a good time at work. One girl at her work is having her birthday soon and they’re going to celebrate. Someone mentioned buying cheesecake and my mom offered to make it. One girl said isn’t it going to be hot tho? And my mom said no it’ll be fine, I love baking. And the person responded with, you do? So today at work they said to my mom, I bet you bake with an apron. She said she does and when she told me this, she was smiling and had me take a picture of her so she can send to her work mates. She is happy and smiling when she says all this but I also know she doesn’t always pick up on hints and tends to try and be everyone’s friend. Am I overthinking or am I picking up on something?

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