Mucus plug at 30 weeks?!?!



Sooo, I am 30 weeks pregnant and currently out of state visiting family. I just went to the bathroom and when i wiped i felt this come out...could this be my mucus plug and if so what should I do?!?! I'm stressing out because I am 700 miles away from my husband and have my 2 year old son with me. Someone please reassure me lol


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Posted at
I’m 33 weeks and have been losing my mucus plug since 28 weeks. It regenerates, totally normal. Don’t freak out unless there’s a lot of blood or painful contractions that happen as well. Enjoy your time away. 😊


Autumn • Aug 15, 2019
Thabk you for the reassurance!! It helped 😊😊


Posted at
Why does it look like discharge to me?


Posted at
I kept loosing big pieces about 16-20 weeks then it stopped, I lost a little more a few days ago.I believe as long as it’s clear, you’re not in pain and there’s no blood its okay as it will regenerate.Obviously if you show any other signs of labour it’s worth getting checked x


Posted at
it’s common for small parts to fall out. it’ll regenerate. it’s only a concern if there is blood. you’re all good momma!! 😀


Autumn • Aug 15, 2019
Thank you! I never noticed losing it with my first so I didn't know what to think!


Posted at
That just looks like discharge that’s common during the third trimester. When I lost my mucus plug with my first it was bloody, as long as you don’t have blood I’m sure everything is ok.