Weird period?

I’m on my withdrawal bleed week of my first pack of pills. I switched from the patch. I had sex once this month with a condom and he had touched the top of the condom when he threw it away but a minute went by and he had wiped his hands off before he put his fingers inside me to finish me off. This also happened within the first week of pills. I didn’t miss any or take any late. I did have spotting for the second and half of the third week and it was enough to fill a regular tampon over a whole day so it was more than just light spotting and it had a lot of clots so maybe my uterine lining? Now my period went for three days and went away which has never happened before and it was pretty light about the same as the spotting but with a little more red blood but mostly brown. Should I worry about being pregnant? Or is this just a normal side effect of starting the pill