Should I keep it real or leave it alone?


So a family friend is mad cos her husbands mum just comes to the house and holds the baby. She expected her mother in law to offer to help out so she could get a break and I am genuinely confused. I've never once thought my mum should come over and take over looking after my child, the child me and my partner brought into this world. My mum's had her two kids, she's done everything for us by herself. Her reasoning is "His mom was a single mom, so I thought she would understand" and I'm thinking wait you have a whole husband so what is your deal?? Its hard I understand and I'm sure if she asked for help every so often her mother in law would probably help her out. She just doesn't see why she has to ask for help. I really wanted to tell it how it is but honestly I have my own shit to deal with. But at the same time this is bugging the hell out of me.