Would you tell him?

How do y’all feel about telling someone that their significant other is unfaithful? I have an ex coworker that I am still friends with on Facebook. One of my closest friends still works with her and knows about her cheating with more than one guy. I knew her unfaithful attitude when I worked there and had my suspicions about her with some of the more promiscuous guys (it probably happened). It’s now been confirmed, from her own mouth... when she’s gone out of town, and with at least one coworker. The girl and I have talked on more than one occasion after I left and she even asked me if I could write a recommendation letter for her in the future... (I haven’t). She gushes about her man all over Facebook, constantly, about how great he is to her, posting all the expensive things he buys for her and cute things does for her.... I honestly just want to message the poor guy.

Note: I could/probably would find a way to message him anonymously.

Thanks for your input! I appreciate comments on why/why not to do it. I’d also really appreciate comments from someone who has told another person themselves.

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