CD3 and already stressed out over this cycle 😩


I just need to vent really quick and I know you ladies will understand the frustration of TTC.

So my husband has a job where he travels a lot. He just got assigned 3 weeks of travel this month. 3 f🤬cking weeks out of the month. He will be home on weekends for the most part but still. Since he will basically be gone all month I'm taking my kids to visit my parents (8 hour trip) because this way the kids can see grandma and grandpa without missing out on time with daddy. Since I'm going to stay with my parents for a week I feel like I can't really track this month with temping or OPKs or anything. My monther is great in a lot of ways but she is the biggest snoop and she will definitely absolutely find any OPKs or a BBT thermometer that I try to hide in my things. And she is super against the idea of me having a 3rd child because she had 3 kids and it was hard apparently. Anyhow, it looks like I'll be on my peak fertile days the weekend I leave my parents so I might have a shot at getting some sex in with my husband while he is home for the weekend. And maybe I'm not completely screwed for this cycle. But I'm having trouble finding the optimism that we will get decent timing. And the idea of not being able to track at all this month is stressing me. I haven't not tracked a cycle since August 2015.

Also while I'm ranting I'm not looking forward to seeing my mom and endlessly hearing about my brother and SIL expecting their 4th. The last time I saw my mom after my SIL found out she was pregnant it was all my mother wanted to talk about. Mom was going on about how great it is that my brother and SIL are having a 4th and "people should have as many kids as they can care for. Kids are a blessing." Then she immediately follows that with "but don't start thinking you need another baby just because your SIL is having another! You have two. Be thankful for them. You better not have a third!" Like WTF mom? My husband and I aren't rich but my husband has a good job and we are fine financially. We would be fine with a 3rd. I don't see why it's so wonderful that my brother is having a 4th but it would be the end of the world if I have a 3rd? So yeah a week of that bullshit is going to be super fun. I guess I should mention that I'm infertile and struggled to have my kids. I did fertility treatments and had several losses. My SIL got pregnant her first month trying with her kids and never had any losses or anything. So I'm admittedly bitter over all that.

Anyone else have something going on this cycle that is leaving them less than optimistic?