how and when should we tell our parents?


My boyfriend and I recently discovered that we’re expecting and as excited as we are, we’re very nervous about telling our parents. He’s 19 and I’m 22.

(Not that it’s a competition AT ALL, but his mom was 20 when she had him and my mom was 21 when she had me. So I understand that We’re young but we’re the same age they were and we turned out fine.)

Our problem is I live at his house with him family and his mom knows that we’re sexually active however she’s told us it needs to be a LONG time before we have kids. I know it’s obviously not going to be when we’re 40 but she’s not going to be very happy about this. I want to tell both of our families because if something does happen to go wrong, I want their support and just someone to talk to. I don’t want to keep this a secret from my loved ones. I’m going to wait until 13 weeks to announce to the public but for family, I’d like them to know now. I’ve told my boyfriend we can tell her when he’s ready but he wants to wait as long as possible. He said he prefers to tell her when we find out gender which is a long time from now still. My concerns with this are, I REALLY want my mom to know and be involved in this and I know how she is and she has a very big mouth and if I tell her now, she’ll slip up to his mom and I don’t want his mom to find out from my mom. Also, living with his mom I think she’s going to find out soon anyways when I start having symptoms. Our periods are synced and this is the second one I’ve missed and she asked me 2 days ago if my period was due soon because she thinks hers is too and I said yes but I don’t know how to keep hiding it. I have morning sickness she asked if it was food poisoning. I know it’s very scary to him and he’s a few years younger than I am but I think we need to tell her. He works a different schedule then me and I was wondering if anyone thinks I should tell her when I’m alone with her. I think she’d be very understanding and help me out a lot through this. She’s said before that this family doesn’t believe in abortions so I know she’d be willing to help me with everything. She’s so sweet and has taken me in to live with her and her family and does a lot for me and I know my boyfriend is scared but it’s not something that will go away if we avoid and I want to tell her sooner than later. What is everyone’s advice and opinions? I’m waiting a little while longer to see if he’s going to be ready but I honestly don’t think he’s going to change his mind about telling her. Every time I ask him he gets upset with me and won’t even try to plan it out. I tried to plan a timeline of when we could tell her and how, if he wants to tell her alone, with me, just me, etc. and he just won’t even think/talk about it and I just want to at least try to plan things out.