Anyone else’s LO uninterested in eating?

Shelly • Mama to 👦🏼 Jesse 6/4/19 & 👶🏻 Jameson 3/11/22

I’m trying to find stuff on it and this seems to be an older baby issue. My guy is doing it at 2 months 😭. I kept trying to find a reasoning for it but honestly I think he just wants to look around or coo and talk with me instead! I’ve been feeding him four ounces but lately his naps have been shorter and he’ll wake up acting starved! The last couple feedings I’ve gotten him to take 5 1/2 ounces but I’ve had to make him. Let him cry and scream in my face for a minute and try to turn his head and do something else then he’ll go back to the bottle. He’s been happier and slept better afterward though.