I'm too tight

OKAY so, around 2 weeks ago, I lost my virginity. I was suuper tight but we eventually managed to get his penis fully in. I still was too tight, like he had to put in effort to get inside me and it was enjoyable for me (a little painful tho) but a lot harder for him. Hes not a virgin.

I bled for a few days and now it stopped.

Before all this, I tried putting on a tampon and it wouldn't go in. So today I thought, since I'm not a virgin anymore, my hymen should at least be stretched, and putting on a tampon should be easy, right? It wasn't, I mean it got in further than when I was a virgin, but it still didn't get in.

I don't think this is normal...

Do you know any ways I could stretch things around down there, make it easier to have sex and to put in a tampon and just function like a normal non-virgin woman?

Please help, I'm new to this haha