Formula question


Hey guys I’ve been ebf my little one since birth but my goal is to wean her by the time she’s 10 months old and she’s 7.5 months now. Anyways we started giving her a bottle of formula every few days to get her use to the taste and the bottle. My question is for those of you who do give formula how much do you put in the bottle? I’ve been giving her a bottle of usually 3-5 ounces but I’m wondering if that’s enough. I just gave her some at bedtime here it was 4 ounces but she was sucking after the bottle was empty. But I put her on her crib and went straight to sleep. So should I like make an 8 ounce bottle and see what she drinks? Or is that too much. She isn’t a huge kid she’s 16 lbs 10oz as of a few days ago. Any advice would be appreciated!