Was I in the wrong for leaving my SO’s friends’ party?


This past weekend my SO got mad at me and is still mad at me. I don’t think I did anything wrong, but maybe I need another perspective bc I don’t want to be disrespectful to my SO. So last weekend , one of my SO’s friends and his gf were having a party at their house. It was something they’d been planning for a few months, as it was like a team drinking game day lol. It was a cool idea and seemed fun, but in the weeks before the party if you wanted to go you had to figure out your team and team costumes and whatever.

Originally we thought we were going to be out of town, but 2 weeks before we had some unexpected expenses hit so we were staying in town. I asked my SO if he wanted to go to his friends party since we were going to be in town, and he was like “oh yeah, it seemed cool we should!” I was like, ok just make sure you text him before hand so we can see who still needs teammates and stuff and know what we need to bring. Moral of the story, he didn’t text his friend til the night before. It was too late to get on a team so we show up and are just “hanging out” while everyone else is having fun and playing.

I’m more of an introvert, it takes me a little bit to get comfortable and warm up to people. If I go to a party I’m usually fine once my friends introduce me to some people and I start feeling comfortable, but my SO got to the party and basically ditched me to go talk to his other friends. I only knew like 3 people there, but 2 were the hosts and the other was there with some girl on a date and I didn’t want to just cling to them. I tried mingling a bit, but then they started the games and we weren’t on a team so I pretty much had nothing to do and I just felt pretty awkward and out of place. I had a drink, but everyone else was having a lot of fun with the game and we’re pretty focused on that.

Eventually I found my SO and tried to hang out by him, but he kept getting distracted by different people he knew. He wouldn’t introduce me either once he started talking to them, I’d have to introduce myself. We’d brought our puppy with us too, and a few people asked who’s puppy it was and he’d say loudly “it’s mine!” Instead of ours. In a few conversations with people, he’d bring up how we’re fixing up our house, but instead of saying “our house” he kept saying “my house”. It was all little things, but I was literally standing right there - it’s not like they would have been confused about who the “we” was, and it’s most definitely not just his house or his dog - we both pay for and work on the house and for the dog, I’m not just mooching off him. I pulled him aside for a second and mentioned that it bothered me, and he blew it off saying it didn’t matter or mean anything.

He kept going off to see other people and everyone else was playing the games, so eventually I just found a spot for myself and hung out with the puppy. When I finally found my SO again, I asked him if we could leave. We’d been at the party for a few hours already and it was pretty boring and lonely for me. He said he wanted to keep hanging out with his friends. He’d driven, and was obviously my ride home, so I kind of felt stuck. He complained that I kept looking “awkward and uncomfortable” and asking why I wasn’t all friendly and happy like normal, and I explained to him again that since we weren’t able to play the games i didn’t really feel included and I didn’t know anyone.

He wanted to stay, so I asked if he was okay with me leaving and walking home or to a friends. We only live like a few miles away. He got upset about me walking and said no. I said I could get an Uber, but he got upset about that too. He said i could borrow his car and pick him up later, but ended up deciding to come with me so it wouldn’t be a hassle.

Later he was annoyed that I wanted to leave the party, that I didn’t try to be more social. I really did try, but after a while everyone else was playing the game, I didn’t know anyone, and he kept disappearing. I get that he was comfortable and shouldn’t have to worry about me if he brings me to events, but I literally couldn’t even participate in the event. I tried to apologize, but the past few days he’s said some pretty hurtful things just bc I didn’t want to stay longer than 2 hours at the party. Was I in the wrong for wanting to leave?