I'm actually embarrassed this happened at work 🤦‍♀️

Today I had the most excruciating pain at work. I'm waiting to get surgery next month to remove a semi-large chocolate cyst, and today was the worst pain I've experienced with endo yet. The cyst was discovered a couple months ago, and I've been managing ok (considering).

The pain has been a lot different than my normal endo, as the cyst presses on my sciatic nerve (causing hip and back pain) and makes going #2 difficult and uncomfortable.

Today scared the crap out of me. I could barely walk, breath, or basically do anything but cry. The pain radiated around my entire pelvis, front and back, and my 800 mg ibuprofen & 1000mg tylenol didn't touch it. Heating pad was no help. Just had to breath through it, and wait it out.

It's been a few hours, and am still hurting, but feeling much better. My ovaries, abdomen, and rectum are all extremely sore, and I still have to walk very slowly and be careful when I sit down or get up. My period is due today, but I've only had the tiniest amount of light spotting.

Anyways, I just had to share with people who understand. I'm embarrassed that my coworkers saw me like that. I like to pretend I'm fine, but that was impossible today.

Today was awful, and I'm scared what could happen between now and the surgery. One more month!! 🤞