
I’ve been going to therapy for a few months now and my doctor is pretty sure I have PMDD (she wants me to verify with an OBGYN but feels I will qualify) and so my mood swings the past few days have been even harsher than usual because I’m worried the timing of the moodiness means I’m not pregnant. It’s hard to share with my husband because, even though he’s supportive, he doesn’t know what to say or do and I don’t want to make him sad when it could be over nothing. He’s excited that we’re trying and I don’t want to crush his hopes if I don’t need to. I’m also worried that if I’m due for a BFP that it means the hormones will push the anxiety through. It’s been a really difficult 12 months for me and I stopped my medication because I’m TTC and I don’t want to take any risks with that. Not sure if I need more suggestions or support or both but maybe someone reading this might know what to say...