My sweet baby!


I just wanted to share.

I love my baby. She makes me feel like no human can! She is smart and so beautiful she keeps my son safe and makes sure the pregnant cat is safe clean and stable in the house. She's such a good Dog. She is always happy and I dont have to walk her on a leash. She knows were to poo and pee out in the yard, she doesn't bite!!! She listens like no other dog and is always oh so happy to see me and makes me tear up with the love she shows. She knows when I'm upset sad depressed. All of the above, Brittany knows!! She can most deff have her moments and get into trouble but hey her pros are way bigger then her cons. I have to give her a day of just her and what makes her happy! Aww I love you Brittany. Here's my big Fur baby. This is on our walk and on the train. In the purple mask She was playing Ninja Turtles with my son smh lol. At least he wasn't riding her like a horse or having a wrestling match this time lol.