It's secretly killing me inside 😞😶

Medghi • 🌈 TTC #2

I wish infertility was not such a taboo topic. People should really think before opening their mouths. You never know what one could be going through. What affect words can have on another person's life. I swear I have heard all the questions in this picture from family members and friends. About two years ago, a close friend shared/tagged me in a picture of her baby shower on Facebook. I had so many people commenting and questioning me on when it would be my turn. It was so embarrassing 🙄🙄When they have no idea that I cry myself to sleep almost every night asking God the same question. Ughh.. At times, I am really grateful for apps like Glow, where I can find women like me who are going through the same struggles.

I really wish there was an infertility awareness month. Is there such a thing?