should I fix things with my boyfriend‘s mom ?

Me and her got along up until August of 2018 when she punched my boyfriend in the face and wanted him out of the house knowing he didn’t have anywhere to go at the time. I tried to not get into it but things were getting worse & worse over the months. And January of 2019 is when I told her what she was doing was wrong and disgusting. She would mentally & physically abuse him knowing he has ADD & was suicidal at the time. ( she’s a nurse which to me I think she should’ve got her license taken away for the things she did ) when I told her something she called me a bitch and told my boyfriend she didn’t like me. 🤷🏽‍♀️

My boyfriend & I have been dating for 2 years. And after that whole incident happened my boyfriend moved in with my uncle. It took 4 months and my boyfriend was talking to his mother again. 🙄 I was mad because she’s very toxic in his life & I’ve tried to keep her toxic ness out of our relationship and out of his life, but he wants me to leave it alone so I understand that’s his mom and I can’t do anything about it. But should I at least fix things with her or stay out of it and let the day come on it’s own ? What do you think 🤔