
Ugh... for the past few days I been feeling down ..,

Kept my distance and off social media .. just been thinking like

How do a man not want or need sex?

Last month it was 2 times only out the whole month

This month NOTHING, I been trying to a 3rd baby and when Its time to be baby dancing NOPE , not happening this month I had all

The symptoms when im ovulating.

And I know I’m not the only women that love to take a shower then put in lotion and perfume I love smelling good when I go to bed .

He gets mad and says why u putting that on ur going to bed

(What The Fuck) REALLY LOOKED AT HIM LIKE HE HAD 8 legs and 2 heads ..

And he sent me a message saying what’s wrong , don’t want to say nothing to him because when I speak my mind he gets mad, so

I rather stay quiet , so he yelled me in the message ( and you wonder why)

Lol yea exactly (You wonder why)

But I didt write it I just ignore his message .. because when it comes to sex ITS A PROBLEM ..

He looks for me when he wants it ., and when he wants it is days apart lol or weeks .. I don’t think he a normal guy .. lol

Most guys be happy to have sex but not him he will suck his teeth and say my name ..

To me that’s like OMFG HERE WE GO AGAIN, .

Fyi. I had asked him if he could not have sex every other day or 3-4 times a week because 2 times a month is crazy to me that he don’t want sex .. I THINK HE BROKEN LOL