HHow old where you when you lost your Virginity?


I was 14 years old when I lost my virginity and even though I don’t want to say I regret it because somehow it shaped me into the woman i am today, If i could go back and wait I would.

Here’s why,

I began to have sex at 14 and kept having sex till 17 almost everyday. When I turned 18 and broke up with the guys I was dating, I decided to stop having sex and made a promise I would not have sex until I was ready to get married. I tried it for months, but after a few days I began to develop anxiety ..... It became a necessity and it was very painful to have to wait. I became a very anxious and stressed person when I decided to take a break. But I felt like I had to stop you know? Like i had to prove to myself that I didn’t need it to be happy.... having a boyfriend and having sex took so much time and so many learning activities away from me ... that I do regret SOO MUCH.

In other words if You are 12, 13, 14, 15 my advice to you is WAIT. THE RIGHT TIME WILL COME!!!! AND THERES NO NEED TO RUSH IT.

focus on learning everything you can, become freaking pro at everything you can in school, play every sport, participate in every activity. Take every dance, choir, art, literature class ... take this years and find what path you would want to take in the future... so when high school or college comes you have an idea of what path you would like to explore more to detail 💛

I tell my little sister the following thing

“ i am 22 yrs old now, If I want to take a singing lesson I have to pay $60-$200.... but if you want to do it you can do it for free!! TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THOSE THINGS AND LEAVE THE BF AND SEX LIFE FOR LATER WHEN YOU HAVE AN IDEA WHAT KIND OF MAN YOU WANT IN LIFE, BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY FIND OUT WHAT KIND OF GIRL YOU WANT TO BE.”

just wait and enjoy every single thing LIFE GIVES YOU 💛