Not sleeping


My son is turning 7 months on the 26th and has always been an amazing sleeper!! He slept through the night when he was only a week or so old. but he has not been sleeping at all lately and wakes up and cries no matter what i do! He has 2 teeth that are almost done coming in but i try to not give him tylenol or motrin every day, i did give him motrin last night before bed and he woke up probably about 2 hours after he went to bed and i rocked him back to sleep then he was up 1-2 hrs after that crying and wouldn't go back down and he is still up😣 it doesnt help that im 9 weeks pregnant and completely exhausted to the point i have to take 2 naps during the day 😭😭😭😭 im so stressed right now 😭😭