My Round #1 Femara (Letrozole) Experience UPDATE

Rachel • 💍Happily Married 11.11.17 •💔Miscarried @ 5wks 07.03.18 •🌈👶🏾💙due June2020

Sharing as much detail as possible to hopefully help someone’s journey and/or get tips and advice from others myself.


PCOS since 17. I’m 30 now

•Complete miscarriage 7.3.2018 with our first baby, which is how we even found out were expecting. Periods became really irregular afterward and usually very light when I’d have one.

•Started Metformin end of March 2019 (500mg 2x/daily

•OB/Gyn advised to call in August-October after a few regular cycles and to track with dip-stick OPK’s (I’d bought an OvuSense but that tracks internal temperatures) on Day 3 of my cycle to begin Femara(Letrozole). I bought a Pregmate OPK to test daily (as of July22) and decided to also start testing with Clear Blue Advanced the morning after my last Letrozole pill (which was Tuesday Aug6)

•Oh and not to be TMI but for what it’s worth me and my Mr. dance almost daily/nightly since deciding to give TTC our all mid July. Sometimes we go by the every other day/night rule but we also go consecutively.

Now: So Tuesday July30 I started my 🔴. It was very light per usual but Thursday Aug1 was day 3 so I called to have the Letrozole sent over to my pharmacy. 2.5mg daily to be taken day 3-7of my cycle. I was given instructions to call back on day 18 of my cycle or the day that I have a LH surge (whichever comes first). I took the pills that night and the next 4 nights. No problems or side effects. My 🔴 got lighter and expectedly ended on Sunday Aug4. Then Tuesday afternoon Aug6....

CRAMPS! Cramps and bright bleeding as if my 🔴 re-started. This continued and by Thursday Aug8 I was moody (not terribly just noticeably) and tired and over it. By Saturday Aug10 it was pretty much over and I was back to myself enjoying a mini getaway in another city. I had a dip kit with me. Tested Sunday Aug11 and got the “Blinking Smiley” (High Fertility).

I was overjoyed like it was a BFP. After 4 days of the empty ring I was just happy to see a change. I got that Blinking Smiley every day (sometimes 2x a day) all the way through last night (Thurs Aug15). I woke up this morning (Fri Aug 16) kind of feeling like dooms day. It’s Day 18. I said let me dip this stick so I can call my OB/Gyn’s office and report that Day 18 came and I have not had an LH surge. I got a SOLID Smiley! Peak Fertility meaning a LH Surge! Now when they open I can tell them Day 18 came with a surge. I also got to work to find the book “The Fertility Diet” on my desk. A coworker has been meaning to bring it in for a few weeks now and she happened to bring it the day I reach Peak. Well thats where I’m at for now. I’ll update you

UPDATE: So of course me & my Mr. have been dancing our lives away during the window but on actual peak day we fell asleep early and slept all night. We danced yesterday though (Aug17) and I’m sure we will tonight but I tracked daily to see how this all works since this js my first time tracking and finding my fertility window and peak. So yesterday the “Solid Smiley” was still on my Clearblue Digital Advanced opk so I tested with a Pregmate and got a positive result still. This morning the smiley had gone away so I tested with the digital and a Pregmate dip stick and both came up negative (I know this wasn’t necessary but I like visuals and it helped me to visually see the process every step). Anyway I hope we didn’t miss our chance by not dancing on peak day. We did consecutively the days before and the day after. Oh and I used Preseed lube because...why not right? Officially 1 DPO. Please send all the prayers, luck, and baby dust! When should I take a pregnancy test???

UPDATE 2: So I had labs on Friday Aug 23 (cycle day 25) and my Progesterone came back at 8.8. I’m currently 9dpo. I have no symptoms other than occasional lingering cramping (lets be real it could be gas). No nip pain, headaches are gone, no bleeding. OB updated my lab result with a note saying that the number indicates that I’m not ovulating and if I happen to get my period call so that they can call in a prescription for letrozole. My OPK’s were positive Clearblue and a Pregmate strip. Idk