Pregnancg, Miscarriage and craving sweets


I’ve had a really bad couple of weeks.

I got diagnosed with missed miscarriage almost 3 weeks ago. I was meant to be about 7.5 weeks pregnant but baby was only 6w5d and no fetal heart beat.

We booked a second scan for 8 days later just to be sure.

In the meantime, I got Influenza A and was really sick.

I lost about 3kg in that week.

I got the second scan and confirmed miscarriage.

Was then scheduled for a d&c. I was fully prepped at the hospital for the d&c (in hospital gown about to be rolled into theatre) but then the anaesthesiologist heard I had Influenza A the week prior and wouldn’t proceed with the surgery due to risk of compromised airway because I’d had a cough.

I’m now scheduled for the d&c in a couple of days which will be 2.5 weeks since we first found out.

My appetite has come back but all I seem to want to eat is sweets. I’m eating lollies and craving coke like there’s no tomorrow. I don’t usually eat when I’m depressed and I’m not sure if I’m doing it out of comfort or what.

My placenta is also still fully intact and my HCG is high so I’m still symptomatic for pregnancy, which I guess potentially includes food cravings.

Any ladies out there feeling me- sweet cravings either for comfort, pregnancy cravings or miscarriage cravings?