Please help !

On July fourth, I had sex with this kid I had been seeing regularly. It was the first time we had sex, and I had realized he didn’t put a condom on at first then a couple minutes in he put one on. As soon as I got home I went straight to get a plan B. I took it less than 24 hours after having sex. Lately I’ve been feeling super sick, I have an infection in my throat (I don’t think that matters) and when I was taking my antibiotics I got super sick and lost a lot of weight. Ever since I got off them, everything I would eat with carbs, I became bloated. This last week I’ve had a terrible sleeping schedule. I’d go to bed at 3:30 and wake up at 5, then I’d take a three hour nap after work. I’ve noticed a pit in my stomach, and I don’t feel very good.

What do you guys think?