Feeling frustrated.

Sabrina • **baby dust to all ttc**

Just a wee post to vent. We had a failed icsi cycle in Aug, and have been waiting since then to start a FET cycle. Was due to start all my medications like bcp etc to prep for FET with my due period, which was due around 10 days ago. So far, no AF, NOT A HINT OF HER!, a negative preg test and no symptoms of pregnancy either, I'm getting a bit fed up waiting. I'm currently on cd41 with no signs of getting AF any time soon. I just want to move on with the next part of our plan. Feeling very frustrated with my body. To top everything off, I did the pregnancy test yesterday (as I thought, ok it's cd41, I really need to check ) but yesterday was also the 6 yr anniversary of losing our last angel. At 8wks our angel stopped growing then I miscarried. All this has me feeling super fed up with my body. There are junkies and ppl out there not suited to be parents yet they have no issues getting pregnant, yet all I've ever wanted was to be a mummy and my stupid body just won't let me!

Sorry for the rant, just really needed to vent right now. I work with special needs kids and one kept asking yesterday why I don't have kids. Think everything has just got on top of me. X