Long one! Hope someone can help 🙏


Ok so on the 28th of June at exactly 10 weeks pregnant I miscarried.

I had 2 internal scans the following week and the nurse confirmed that everything had cleared out. They don’t offer HCG blood tests so I followed my HCG to zero on cheapie amazon strips and it took approx 2 weeks to get to zero. The strips were stark white I have no doubt that HCG was zero. See below picture for neg test.

After miscarriage I was waiting for ovulation (we didn’t want to hang around and got back on the TTC train) and I used OPKs and although I never got a blazing positive I had tons of EWCM and felt as though I had ovulated. Then came the TWW I tested everyday after 7DPO and even the day AF arrived. Below test from day AF arrived.

AF arrived 12 DPO- day 1 was super light and pink and the following days turned into a heavy period with clots etc. so I presumed it was the leftovers of the miscarriage along with my period.

Since that period we have baby danced just once which was 4 days ago. I am currently on cycle day 12 and started taking OPKs yesterday for this cycle and they were almost positive (I normally don’t get a positive until CD 17/18) so I just thought miscarriage must have thrown off ovulation this month. This evening with no pee hold and after drinking a ton of water I used an Amazon cheapie HCG test just for giggles, I nearly fell over when it was positive. I did two more and both positive!! How can this be?

Can HCG go to zero and the spike again? Could the ‘period’ have been implantation bleeding?

Super confused and don’t want to go to the doctor just yet like a mad woman 😂

Anyone able to