So sad 😭😭😭

Slvelaz✨✨ • 👯‍♀️ 1 Ectopic 2 MC 🌈=11/04/19 🤰due10/01/21

Ok so dont call me crazy....

But yesterday I went for my 3d 4d ultrasound and my girl was pushed up/sucking on the placenta so we couldint get any pictures 😭😭 they told me to come back Monday for free. But I am so sad and idk y?like really sad.. I havint felt like this my whole pregnancy and I cant shake the feeling? I would expect to be disappointed but since I'm going back for free why do I feel this way😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

On the bright side they were able to tell me baby had a head full of peach fuz .. measuring ahead at 28w4d instead of 28w1d weighing in at 2lb 11oz and her fluid and HB is great....

I read this as I'm typing and think awww my baby but then think but I wanted to see her I wanted the pictures. These hormones need to relax I just want to feel normal 🙄