My husband is the slowest moving person on earth


I have work calls today so he’s like oh I’ll take the kids to the library. Great, awesome. This was at 10:30AM. They left the house at 11:50AM. We have to go to Costco at 12:30PM so we can get lunch stuff (because I’m about to have a baby and just want to stock up for when my in-laws come to stay with the kids). What took them so long, you ask? The kids were already ready. It was because he needed a snack, so all 3 of them sat and had a snack for 20 mins. Then he had to go to the bathroom. So he had to sit on the toilet for 30 mins. Then the kids had to go potty and get their shoes on. He’s perfect and I love him endlessly but DAMN this guy can’t budget time for his life 😂