Of course!



This week was my husbands first full week back at work so I was alone with LO the whole week for the first time. After dealing with a week of fussiness, gas, possible reflux, and refusing naps, and cluster feeding, here comes the weekend and of course she is perfect! No fussiness and taking naps per her baby wise schedule! Which I am very grateful for but man it looks like I was being super dramatic to my husband all week!

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My daughter does the same thing to me every evening and on weekends. 😒😂


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SAME. I tell my husband that by the time he comes home from work my son is so exhausted from fighting naps and fussing all day he just crashes cause he doesn’t have any fight left in him at that point. I’m so happy when he’s finally settled and comfortable but DANG it makes me seem like drama too lol.