TWW after 5 day FET


We transferred a 5 day embryo one week ago and now I am in my two week wait. Of course I’m paying extra attention to my body so I’m hoping that what I’m feeling are positive symptoms showing me that I am pregnant ... 🤞🏼 praying for my dreams and wishes to come true.

Day 1 - Embryo transfer at 10:30 ... took a nap sometime after I got home and woke up a few hours later around 4 with the cramps and the need to use the bathroom (#2) .... 😦.. I noticed a tiny, tiny, tiny amount of light brown/orangish/pinkish when I wiped. Very small amount.

Day 2 - Cramping all day and I had the urge to pee all the time. I was drinking a lot of water but it was such a strong urge when I needed to go that I seriously thought I was coming down with a UTI. I also had a bad headache and ended up feeling nauseous for a little while that day.

Day 3 through 7 - Cramping and still peeing a lot. I have had stomach aches off and on and all week.

Our pregnancy test is on Monday and I’m SO nervous. I keep reminded myself that it’s God’s timing not mine. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Anyways ... has anyone else had any of these symptoms and then ended up being pregnant? Or looking back now realizing like “wow! That was a pregnancy symptom!” .. ??