Mixed messages

Ok so this guy I've known for a couple years is hard to figure out. We will go through periods of time where we don't talk (last time it was cuz I told him off) and we recently reconnected via me being in a bad mental space (depression) and just asking everyone what's wrong with me. He came over at 5:30am (When I texted him) & crashed at mine while I was at work waiting for me to get home. He asked me to take off to spend the day with him but I couldn't. Later that night we ended up making out but I was on my period (of course) so that's it. I always have to initiate which I take as him being respectful based on what he's told me. It's been a few days and he hasnt answered my last texts. This has happened before. He'll show little signs of affection then ghost and I don't understand. Does he like me? Or what?