...Is it all a fantasy? Or Reality?...


So. This is going to sound stupid. But I'm very intune with my body. I can tell from very early on when I'm pregnant.

With my daughter I could tell from week 2.

I just found out I was pregnant again. The doctors were surprised I could even tell. I had even been telling my fiance I knew and I kinda got myself hyped for it.

I'm 3 weeks and 5 day... And today I started bleeding around 10 yesterday morning. It started as a light pink/Red spotting, accompanied by some slight cramping. I wasnt to concerned but I called my OBGYN and she said it was more than likely implantation so just rest. I have rested all day except to go to the bathroom and bring my daughter to my MILs. I started feeling a bit off and went to the bathroom and I had this clot come up. I'm fucking heartbroken. I have never gotten attached to any pregnancy so early on like this one. All of my symptoms seem to be gone. My depression is sky rocketing to new heights right now. I keep spotting a bright Red/Pink and I just know the baby is gone...

Maybe I'm wrong. But the pain is similar to my others but I always had missed miscarriages.

Is there hope or am I just set to let my Hope's fall and burn them more? Has anyone else dealt with this..