Help! BF and 3 month old


since my baby was born 3 months ago weve had some complications, which led to the nicu which led to him getting the bottle over my original plan of breast feeding. We've had a long struggle with mastering breastfeedong ever since but have finally started getting the hang of it while supplementing with a bottle when necessary. We have been doing pretty well...until the past week. He has suddenly been rejecting the breast. He screams and kicks whenc whenever i even get him close. We were doing football hold because it seemed he was most comfortable that way but he now acts almost like hes in pain. So ive tried doing other positions but still no luck. He stiffens and turns his head away. He's extra fussy lately....Its been extremely emotional..

Now for the past month or so hes also started teething...chewing on hands which has gotten more frequent and drooling ALOT. And he also has this thing where he wont poop for days. So i was thinking maybe these were possible causes for his sudden boob rejection...or is it possible hes gone on a breastfeeding strike? Im a ftm and was hoping someone out there has gone through the same if not at least similar situation and can shed some light or give some advice...i dont want this to be the end of the road on breastfeeding for us....

ps: pediatrician didn't have much to say about it other than to try prune juice for possible constipation and infant Tylenol for teething pain if hes too fussy