I feel bad.

So, I’m married. We’ve got a really rocky past, as in they had a compulsive lying issue, they wouldn’t quit talking to an ex, they emotionally cheated, etc. Well, we worked past that. Then came an addiction to video games, where we lived together but never spent time together because all they wanted to do was play video games and didn’t ever help around the house. I finally told them that it was affecting our relationship to the point where I didn’t see it working out - totally freaked them out and they did a 180. However, before they got better, I had reached a point where I just didn’t/don’t want to be with them anymore. I don’t ever want to have sex, if we do, I hate it. I don’t like giving kisses, hugs, etc.

Trust me, I KNOW the clear and obvious answer is to leave. I want to. I just don’t know why it’s so hard to.😕

I guess I just don’t want to be judged since we’ve only been married a couple of years, and I don’t want to answer my friends’ and family’s questions about what happened. I’ve just gotten “comfortable” where I’m at and I’m scared of the change. I also deeply hate hurting people and I don’t want to hurt them/their feelings, even though they’ve hurt mine tremendously in the past.

Please don’t judge me. I just don’t know what to do.