Hi ladies! I’ll try to keep this as quick as I can. I’m visiting my boyfriend in Germany and I’m from America, so it’s not easy to visit many times in the year. I’ll have to leave in just about a month and I won’t be able to visit again for 6 months and neither will he. I’ve been on my birth control (Sprintec 28 day) since July 10th. The first month went by and instead of starting the placebo pills, I started immediately on the next pack because I was paranoid that I would end up getting pregnant on the week I take the placebos. I’m terrified to become pregnant, I’ve always had an irrational fear of it. About a week after starting the second pack, I started having breakthrough bleeding. Well, it hasn’t stopped for about 2.5 weeks. Neither of us like having period sex, it hurts both of us too much, so we haven’t had much sex since I started bleeding. Maybe 4 or 5 times, which is super little for us because we’re extremely active especially when we visit because we don’t know when we’ll see each other next. I suppose my question is, after being on two months of birth control without taking any of the placebos but being consistent with the actual pills, is it okay to still have sex without a condom or pulling out this week if I start taking the placebos for the first time before I start the third month? I just really want the bleeding to stop sometime before I have to leave again...

PS, please don’t tell me to “just use a condom or pull out” if we’re worried, I don’t like that which is why I started the pill in the first place, so my long-term boyfriend and I could have sex without the need for protection. The last time I tried to ask for help everyone just said that over and over and called us stupid. It’s our sex life, I’m just asking for some helpful advice if you have it please :( I wouldn’t judge your sex life if you weren’t hurting anyone, so please don’t judge mine. Thanks in advance, I hope everyone has a great night 💖