Best birth control.

Rhiannon • \\Mama to Oscar & Amelia 💙 Wife to Gerard//

So I’m 25.

I have two kids, My youngest is 4 months and I’m REALLY not planning on having anymore.

I have never really been on birth control. I used the mini pill for a brief time after an ectopic to avoid pregnancy as I was told if you fall pregnant soon after surgery it would probably result in another ectopic or miscarriage anyway.

I have very little knowledge about birth control and have no idea which one to go on now.

I don’t want to go on one that makes me fat - I’m already struggling with body image as I can’t lose the last few kilos from my last pregnancy.

I don’t want one that turns me into a hormonal B...

And I don’t want one that will cause lack of libido because I already have that. :/

I am yet to hear of a birth control that doesn’t do either one or all of these things.

Can someone please help me.

Are you on or do you know about a birth control method other than condoms that works and doesn’t cause the above mentioned?

I am exclusively breastfeeding and was told that prevents you from ovulating. But nature went and ripped me off because my period returned very shortly after birth. I’m 4 months PP and have had 2 periods already. 😑 So I believe I am indeed ovulating.