Starting preschool 😭

My oldest is turning 3 in a week and starting preschool. Its 5 days a week 2.5 hours a day. I dont have the option to send her a few days. But I am a HUGE Mess. Ive been bawling my eyes out All month. She definitely will enjoy and is ready. I don’t want to hold her back because of me. Im a SAHM and have a younger daughter that is about to be 9 months. Im just all over the place and beating myself up over this. Mommy was her whole world and now soon it wont be. Its the start of her not needing me any more and growing up and im taking this very hard 😭😭😭. I also had pp and pp anxiety with her until I had my second. How do I deal with these emotions and not cry??? Its killing me TIA Mommies!!!