how to know exactly when ovulation happens..?


hello i’m new to glow & hoping to meet some cool mommies / mommies to be (congratulations) , anyways my question might be a bit confusing but i’m havin a hard time understanding when exactly does ovulation take place.? i’ve heard on day 14 but have heard that’s a myth my situation is this ... i baby danced on aug 12 and on aug 13 i got a positive ovulation test ( my first ovulation test ever ) i’m so confused because glow says i ovulate on aug 11!! so now i’m having a hard time understanding when i did exactly ovulate i know the test is more accurate then glow right? but still feel unsure about when i ovulated can you ladies please tell me what you think or what you would go by with this information i hope i broke it down well enough to understand. my main concern is would you go off of the ovulation test or glow i also had a faint positive ovulation test the next day after i had a full positive ovulation test so do you think there’s a chance i could be pregnant if i had sex on aug 6 & aug 12 both were unprotected/insemenated .. how do you know exactly when ovulated after positive ovulation test i’m driving myself crazy with this i really hope i can figure this out soon please help with every input possible mamas i took a test today it was negative so i’m losing all hope here 🙄😒 thanks so much xoxo ♥️

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