How to deal with insensitive congratulations?


Hi there ladies,

I have finally announced I am pregnant with a child after 6 years of marriage, 4 years of infertility, 4 miscarriages, 3 pelvic surgeries and a diagnosis of premature ovarian failure related to stage 4 endometriosis. I’m thrilled and scared at the same time.

I put up a picture of my 12 week bump on Instagram (a milestone I have been very much looking forward to for a long time) and someone responded with “Well it’s about time. Congrats!” My husband says I should not be offended by it because the person intended to say something kind but honestly it really hurt to be reminded at this moment of the fact that we have struggled for years to get here. I am thinking about responding in a nice light way like saying, “well it turns out it’s not a straight line to motherhood”. Am I wasting my time or being too sensitive? Should I just let it go?