Are you still nursing?

Ok this happened the other day and kind of bothered me. I was getting my hair done and was talking to one of the girls about our kids (we just had them a few months ago) and she asks if I'm still nursing. Now she's a complete stranger and the way the question was asked kind of bothered me. She didn't ask if I'm nursing, she asked if I STILL am as if there's no such thing as formula. I started to say "no.." and then she goes off about how that's so great for me, she wants to stop but her kid won't, etc and didn't let me finish and tell her how I didn't have the supply to nurse, and that formula wasn't an option it was a necessity.. it just rubbed me the wrong way, the last thing I want to do is sit there and think about and explain how my body is a failure and wasn't capable of nourishing my child which let to pretty severe PPD.. but instead she had to jump to conclusions and congratulate me. I'm all for nursing obviously and support it, and have no issue with anyone talking about it but just how she made the assumption bothered me.

I know it's a petty thing to be annoyed by but still. People need to not just assume.