Three blood draws, faint lines, and bleeding


Thursday I got a positive test. Faint, but positive. It showed up right away.

I went to get my blood checked which came back positive as well

Saturday morning I started bleeding, red and dark. More than spotting but I’m not filling a pad. Knowing I’m pregnant I went to the emergency room. Where they checked my HcG levels.

They’re low... but positive still. They weren’t concerned about the bleeding?? I don’t have cramps or really any other symptoms. I had an OB nurse tell me that sometimes if you ovulate late and the egg fertilized last minute that the uterus needs to expel old tissue for the pregnancy? I had a blood redraw this morning and waiting for those results.

I’m still getting positives and the bleeding is slowing, but it’s still red.

I’ve had a few doctor tell me that it’s not uncommon for a pregnant woman to bleed early in her pregnancy and have everything be fine.. just worried, naturally.

Like I said, I’m not feeling any pain.. I’ll keep this updated if anyone reads it. Send prayers and happy thoughts 🙏🏻

Wondering if anyone else has experienced something like this?