**Edited** Do You Need a Facebook Mama Group?

Taylor • Married my Prince Charming on July 23, 2017. Mama of two 🐶🐶. Baby Anderson coming June 2018 ❤️


This whole pregnancy thing can be a little scary to do alone. If it weren’t for the mom group I was in the first time around, then I think I would have been completely unprepared for what was to come

If you are looking for a secret Facebook group to join for mamas all due in April 2020, then please comment below with your Facebook name. I will friend request you and then send you an invite to the group 💗💙💚

**edit** if you would like in I posted my Facebook link below. I will add you as a friend to get you in the group, but will delete you from my private FB immediately after! No offense to anyone at all my FB is just private haha
