
So a little bit about my husband and I and our journey we've been trying to conceive this time around for over a year. Desperately trying for baby #2. We are 34 years old. We have had four miscarriages in the past year. We've had to go through changing OBGYNs recently due to the fact that the one we were seeing was refusing to do anything to help until it was convenient for them. So I switched about a month ago to my baby sister's OB. Due to our situation factoring in our age and the complications we've had. We were then referred to a fertility specialist. I have officially been poked and prodded they took 14 vials of blood. Then put me on clomid on day 3 of my cycle this month then last Monday they did a ultrasound to see if the clomid helped. My husband has also had testing. Luckily his test turned out for the most part great all though we did find out a little over a year ago he has low t which can affect things so they put him on a Tshot shortly before we decided to ttc again. As soon as we decided to TTC again they took him off of the Tshot. He had to have tests done recently to make sure those Tshots didn't cause any problems. Luckily his body has recovered from being on the shots and the doctors are thinking that had something to do with our miscarriages for the past year. This cycle our fertility specialist put me on clomid to see if that would help unfortunately we only had one egg mature this time around but she did say hopefully one egg is enough. According to ovulation test and glow yesterday the 18th was ovulation day. So now for the two week wait that is going to drive me absolutely crazy. 1 DPO and counting. PS Clomid coupled with the fact that twins run on both sides of the family has my husband freaking out just a tad bit LOL. His worst nightmare is having identical same-sex twins and not being able to tell them apart. Adorable daddy moment much.